Convention Recap: The Good, The Bad, and The Ugly of Star Trek Mission Chicago

Star Trek: Chicago Welcome

Mission Chicago was the second ReedPop Run Star Trek convention I’ve been to, the first being Mission New York back in 2016. Like New York, Chicago felt smaller than it should due to the con being the “Official Convention” for Star Trek.  Even though I bought at 3 day badge, I only attended Friday and Saturday of the con due to having to travel back home.


Strange New Worlds: What I’m Hoping For

This week the Star Trek community got some amazing news, the announcement of a series that focuses on the captain of the Enterprise before James T. Kirk, Christopher Pike as played by Anson Mount. It’s titled Strange New Worlds, and also features Rebecca Romijn as Number One and Ethan Peck as Spock.


New York Comic Con 2019

NYCC Banner
NYCC Banner from 2018

Full disclosure here, this is my 6th New York Comic Con. For most of those years, I’ve had a professional pass, so I can’t speak about things like obtaining badges like a regular fan, because Pros have a different application process.  I also may bring up some issues that other attendees might not have.


Starlog #1: An Introduction

My name’s Sara, I live in New Jersey, and I’m a Trekkie.

Now that the basics are out of the way, I’ll get into some more detail. I found the course Star Trek: Inspiring Culture and Technology through another person’s twitter feed, and decided it looked interesting. Media Analysis is something I’ve wanted to get into now that I’ve had some life experience. Doing things like term papers in high school English gave me the basics of how, but I don’t think I was able to appreciate it back then like I can now.  I don’t have an angle to view Star Trek yet, but I’m hoping to gain some insight through this course.

Anson Mount and Captain Pike
My 63!Captain Pike and Anson Mount at Dragon*Con 2019

But why Star Trek? Why did I choose this franchise to start learning about media analysis? That answer’s easy. It was my first fandom, long before I even knew what fandom was. I started watching TNG when I was about 8 years old with my dad, a fan of the Original Series, and as soon as I saw the Enterprise I was hooked. I just never told anyone I was hooked. Star Trek wasn’t cool to talk about in school and I never did. It was a secret.

By the time I got to high school, it was the early days of the internet, and I found some like minded fans. For the first time, I found people, other than my immediate family that thought like I did and it was great. I attended my first Star Trek Las Vegas about 16 years ago, and have gone back there and to other cons since. I’m looking forward to expand my fandom on a more academic level and can’t wait to get started.

Star Trek Discovery: Changing the Conflict of Star Trek

I attended a panel about Star Trek: Discovery a few weeks ago, and for the most part the panelists talked about what they didn’t like about the show. The common thread through the discussion was that Discovery was not Star Trek the way they knew it. The main argument being that the hope was gone from Star Trek. While I agree that it’s not the same Star Trek that we had thirty or more years ago, I don’t believe it’s because the hope is gone, I believe it’s because the conflict changed and hope for what we as a race can become moved to the background. (Minor Spoilers for Discovery Below)
